Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

PSHE is embedded across the curriculum. Children at Oakfield are supported as they learn how to respect themselves and others and take responsibility for their actions.

Health issues are examined with an emphasis on decision making, to help pupils become more aware of the challenging situations they will encounter in their future lives.

PSHE covers a variety of topics relevant to pupils at different stages of their lives. This is taught in tutor groups by the tutor where possible. These themes are broadly topical but also socially relevant eg. Anti-bullying; Equality and Diversity; Citizenship. There are also dramatic presentations to cover an awareness and understanding about Relationships, Alcohol and Drugs with any other pertinent topics being addressed as appropriate.

Mental Health & Well being

Oakfield aims to provide opportunities across the curriculum for social and emotional learning and personal development. We believe that families also play a vital role in assisting children with their social and emotional development.

Oakfield Academy is working with the SHARE project and more information about this can be found in the wellbeing section of our website under 'pupils'.

Oakfield has regular visits from the local NHS health care team. In year 6 we check height and weights and in year 8 we organise HPV vaccinations for all pupils. Information available from the office. One of the NHS team is also available to visit pupils who have been identified as needing health support.

PSHE Documents


Below is the training we recently completed with tutors to explain what pupils in Key Stage 2 will be learning about regarding changes to the adolescent body and the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. 

Please refer to our Sex and Relationship Education policy which can be found on our policy page click here Policy page

Kids Health

Change 4 Life

Keeping Children Safe

Betty Education is an excellent resource for schools and parents to support pupils through puberty and understanding more about periods. Attached is a useful booklet for parents and there are lots more resources on their website.' 

Please visit also our wellbeing page

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