At Oakfield Academy our Science curriculum provides pupils with a broad and balanced understanding of the three main disciplines of Science. We give our pupils sufficient Scientific knowledge to enable them all to make informed decisions and reasoned choices, as well as developing skills that can be used throughout their lives to better understand the world, we live in and the changes that continuously happen within it.
We firmly believe all pupils deserve an aspirational Science curriculum, which ignites their curiosity and creative ideas while encouraging a spirit of independent inquiry. We nurture a growth mindset culture, discussing relevant up to date Science issues and allowing them all the expand their education to their fullest.
Our curriculum is diverse and assessable by all pupils. It provides a better understanding of the uses and implementation of Science past, present and future, leaving the pupils the ability to apply the skills learnt to the world around us.
Head of Science: Mr M George
Science Teachers:
Mrs H Curtis, Mr C Shaddick, Mrs R Gardner, Mr N Ward, Miss M Pike, Mr D Coleman and Mr O Mepham
Science Technician: Mrs C Hughes
- To enjoy Science.
- Promoting that it is fine to get things wrong as long as we do this safely and learn from our mistakes.
- Understanding of key concepts to help solve problems in unfamiliar situations.
- Using scientific skills to solve problems in a disciplined way.
- Appreciating the contribution Science makes to society and realise that applying Science can lead to moral and ethical issues having to be addressed.
Most Key Stage 2 and all Key Stage 3 children are taught Science in Science labs, as timetabling allows.
The skills of Science are taught during each topic. Our students learn how to be scientists by developing skills in predicting, planning investigations, measuring, observing, recording results, displaying results, analysing results and evaluating the success of their investigations.
The Science Department has strong links with Frome College. We are continuously adapting and improving our schemes of learning to ensure that our students continue to have an excellent grounding in Science concepts and skills.
- Quality first teaching strategies and cognitive load theory are used when planning and teaching lessons.
- Our curriculum across each year builds on the skills from previous years, allowing pupils to retrieve information, thus developing schema, and to develop more sophistication through more challenge year on year.
- Cross curricular links are made explicit in teaching to enable pupils to embed skills and knowledge.
- Resources are kept up to date to ensure that the needs of pupils are always met
- Subject terminology is shared across the key stages and used regularly to develop skills and understanding; pupils are encouraged to use it in their learning.
- All staff are offered the opportunity to complete regular training to ensure that they are confident in teaching science.
- All staff promote a love for science in the way that they teach and showing how it applies to the world around us.
- Displays are regularly updated and pupils encouraged to use them to aid their learning.
- Growth mindset strategies are used to develop pupils resilience and confidence in science; Good work is regularly celebrated within school using several ways, such as displaying it in school, achievement points and contacting home.
- A wide range of intervention strategies are implemented from the start of the academic year to support pupils not meeting age expectations or not making expected progress; interventions are reviewed to monitor their effectiveness.
- Analysis of available data is used to aid future planning and to identify misconceptions across classes and year groups.
At Oakfield academy, our pupils:
- Feel safe in taking risks with their learning and feel confident in answering questions, justifying their responses and forming opinions based upon their experiences.
- Can use their writing skills and knowledge to write for a range of genres, purposes, text types and audiences.
- Have a curiosity that engages them in their learning of new experiences, texts and contexts and are able to develop as independent learners.
- Use their skills and knowledge to apply them to new concepts and contexts.
- Analyse a range of texts using a range of reading skills and strategies.
- The majority of pupils meet or exceed age expectations.
- Have developed many skills required for them to successful in the next stage of their education and beyond.
Science Documents
Bunsen Burners
STEM Champions
Huge congratulations to Charlie Tolcher-Jones, Tyler Amphlett, Archie Hinchcliffe and Toby Parker who have won the June GoIT monthly challenge on their app design CTA Pro on combating solutions to poverty.
Well done also to Romilly Squirrell Bowman, Indigo Dixon, Lillian Tucker, Genny Conway, Sofia Peet, Mila Peet and Annabeth Apps who also submitted an entry to the challenge.
"The judges were highly impressed with your app idea “CTA Pro”. They loved how intentional you were about reducing poverty by creating a platform to aid your community center in an innovative and practical way and the topic was clearly well researched and reflected highly within your work."
Stem Champions
Rock Cycle
Last week 8C and 8S used sweets to model the rock cycle, involving eroding the rocks using scissors to form sedimentary rock, applying pressure to flatten and form metamorphic rock & heating and cooling using the Bunsen burners to form magma and igneous rock.
Y7RNS have been learning about ecology and undertaken several field studies on analysing the distribution of plant life using quadrats & transects in the harmony garden & school field. Pictured: Genny Conway and Romilly Squirrell-Bowman, pictures taken by Indigo Dixon.
In a sneaky preview of Y7 & KS3 Science, 6S have been learning about variables and how to make experiments fair, reliable and valid by investigating how the temperature of water affects the time it takes for sugar to dissolve. I am super impressed with the maturity and safe behaviour shown and thoughtful contributions. Pictured: Billy C, Isla H, Lily St C and Mollie W.
Rock Gallery
DNA Structures
Pupils from 8N investigated DNA structures this week with the help of assorted sweets.
Van Der Graff generator
Fun with the Van Der Graff generator this morning with 7S and 7R.
Van Der Graff
Changing Substances Topic
These wonderful pictures were taken by Indigo Dixon 7N as part of the Changing Substances Chemistry topic in Science
Pictures include the reaction between magnesium and oxygen, melting chocolate and investigating the pH scale using Universal indicator and Red cabbage. Well done Indigo!
If you want to make your own red cabbage indicator at home over Easter to investigate the pH of household substances the instructions are below. If you do, please share a picture with your Science teacher.
- Chop up the red cabbage into small pieces and place it in a mug.
- Add freshly boiled water from the kettle.
- Stir the cabbage and boiling water until a deep purple solution is made.
- Put drops of your substance sample onto a white plate and then add your red cabbage solution.
- Use the colour comparison chart to find the pH of your substances.
Changing Substances
Fruit & Vegetable Batteries
Y6 have been concluding the Electricity topic by making a battery using fruit, vegetables, copper and zinc nails (electrodes) and crocodile clips to light an LED.
This particular battery was made by students in 6S.
Fruit & Vegetable Batteries
Star Gazing
IET Faraday Engineering Challenge Day.