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Reading at The Academy


 My name is Acorn and I am Oakfield Academy’s School Dog.   

I can’t wait to meet you and become friends.  Being friends with me can:

· Teach empathy and appropriate interpersonal skills

· Help individuals develop social skills

· Be soothing

· Improve a child’s ability to pick up on social cues

· School dogs have been shown to support emotional regulation through the positive impact on the autonomic nervous system

· School dogs are being used to support children with their social and    emotional learning needs, which can also aid literacy development

· Increase in school attendance

· Improved confidence

· Decreased pupil anxiety

· Improved motivation to learn

· Let me listen to you read

· Enhanced relationships with peers and teachers due to experiencing trust and unconditional positive interactions with a school dog

· Helping children learn how to express their feelings and enter into more trusting relationships.

· Increase social skills and self-esteem

· Teach responsibility and respect to all life

I know that some people are allergic to dogs, or nervous around them—please let Miss Wilkes or the academy office know if this is the case.

Love Acorn x  


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Reading Strategies




English Intent

Vipers Activities