The PE curriculum aims to assist pupils to co-operate with others and work independently as they learn new skills, techniques and game strategies.

Our Specialist PE Team: Mr Peter Fowler ( Head of Department), Mrs Debbie Stickley & Miss Anna Pullen 

Oakfield pupils benefit from extensive grounds, a school yard, a multi-games area, a gym and a main hall with which to compete and learn.

As well as offering a comprehensive range of sports and fixtures for boys and girls as part of the curriculum fixture programme, pupils also have the opportunity to join our sporting clubs which are listed on our club page under the parents header.



Physical Education Documents




KS2 Sports day July 2024

KS2 Sports day July 2024

Gymfinity -KS2

Gymnastics club has been running this term on a Thursday after school, with pupils exploring and working on balance, rolling and jumping using various apparatus. Pupils have had a great time so far and are looking forward to continuing after Christmas


Oakfield made a promising start to the Jr NBA season, travelling to Heathfield school in Taunton to play the Miami heat and Atlanta Hawks!

A strong start to our first match against the Miami heat saw us leading at half time by 6 points. Great defending from Will Sherred and Rian James who blocked and stole the ball relentlessly, passing off to Felix, Freddie and Archie to score easy lay-ups allowed us to finish the first match 20-12 winners.

Up next were last year's semi-finalists, the Atlanta Hawks. A strong performance from Oakfield kept the scores close at half-time, however the Hawk's aerial superiority began to show at both ends of the court for the last two quarters as they began to extend their lead.

Jamie Goodall, Harrison, Billy and Dylan kept us in the game and played well, however the hawks were too strong, winning 23-11 at the buzzer.

NBA Nov 23

KS2 Tag Rugby

Wednesday 15th November saw Oakfield welcome Selwood year 5 & 6 players to a fun, but competitive Tag rugby tournament.

With 6 teams in total and over 50 pupils involved, the afternoon saw some great rugby from both sides. Many tries were scored and tags taken!

Players developed their skills and understanding of the game through multiple matches.

A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon of rugby which we hope to replicate again next week when Selwood bring their year 7&8 teams over for some contact matches.

Tag Rugby

Wednesday 15th November saw Oakfield welcome
Selwood  Academy Years 5 & 6 players to a fun, but competitive Tag Rugby tournament. 

With 6 teams in total and over 50 pupils involved, the afternoon saw some great rugby from both sides. Many tries were scored and tags taken!

Players developed their skills and understanding of the game through multiple matches.



Ks3 Sports leaders shone as they helped to run the Autumn Primary school's festival.

Our pupils helped to demonstrate activities, referee matches, motivate pupils and assist with the organisation of the festival, ensuring the morning was a great success.

Pupils took part in dodgeball, handball and end zone to name just a few of the activities, with pupils enjoying being physically active on such a warm October morning.

Well done to all pupils involved.


PE Learning Examples Y8 Gymnastics

PE Learning Examples Y8 Fitness