Year 6 2024/25

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your child’s new Head of Year for the 2024/25 academic year. I will have taught several of your children for Maths and Science at some point since September. I am really looking forward to supporting your child into Year 6 and beyond.

The curriculum strategy is largely the same as in Year 5 and will be preparing pupils for taking the SATs tests during the second week of May. Your child will be prepared for these assessments by their English and Maths teachers. The English tests will include assessments in Reading comprehension, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. The Maths tests include an arithmetic paper followed by 2 separate papers that test for Reasoning and Understanding of Mathematical concepts.

Pupils will also get the opportunity to go on several trips in Year 6 such as the pantomime at Christmas, the
cinema following SATs tests and a trip in the summer term during activity and enterprise week.


Mrs Gardner Head of Year


 Miss Crowther 6A

 Miss Davel 6C

 Miss Haig 6O

Mr George 6R

Mr Fowler 6N

Miss Martin 6S




1.Create a list of questions and see if you can answer them by looking at the school web site – if not then keep them to ask your Y6 teachers.

2. Write a letter to your tutor telling them about yourself – include your interests, something about your family, have you got any pets, what are your hobbies. Perhaps tell them about some if the things you have been doing during the time away from school

Transition - Booklet

Transition - All about me

Transition - Superhero

Year 6 Letters 2024/2025

Whole School Letters 2024/2025



SATS Maths Practice