FRIENDS OF OAKFIELD ACADEMY PTS are a group of cheery volunteers comprised of parents, staff and friends, who raise funds for the Academy as well as assist with events. All are welcome to join the Fundraisers, why not come along to one of our meetings where we brainstorm fundraising ideas, consider funding applications and plan our regular fundraising events.

Fundraisers - Meeting notes

How to raise money for Oakfield Academy

If you set up a savings affinity/supporters account with the Coventry Building Society for your child you can link it to Oakfiled Fundraisers.
Every year the Coventry Building Society donates 1% of the average balances held from this affinity account to Oakfield Fundraisers.

Thank you to parents who have done this.

Our Academy is on The Giving Machine. Join and shop online and shops registered will donate cash to us at no extra cost to you. Find out more at or text MORE to 61211.

Other ways to help us raise funds for the Academy include: Save For Schools Scheme: why not open a “Save For School” account with the Coventry Building Society Savers who have set up ‘linked accounts.’ When you save money, the Coventry donates money to the Oakfield Fundraisers.  If you would like to help raise money for the school using this method, please contact the Coventry Building Society and set up a linked account in the “Save For Schools Scheme.”

Oakfield Academy Fundraisers can be contacted via the Academy Office on 01373 462539 or be email on