At Oakfield we aim to provide a smooth middle school transition, into year 5 and on-wards 

from year 8.

New year 5 pupils: pupils joining us in year 5 are eased into life at the Academy, with regular visits made by year 5 staff to First Schools as well as opportunities to work alongside our current pupils here at Oakfield; before joining us in year 5.

Some of our main transition events for Year 4 pupils 2023/2024

  • Welcome Session for Year 4 pupils -28th June 2024
  • Welcome Evening – 1st July 2024
  • Transfer Day - 3rd July 2024 (Year 4 pupils from first schools will visit year 5 for the day), please visit our Individual Year group pages to see our current tutors & a tour of our site .
  • Current Year 5,6 & 7 pupils are to arrive at the normal time and  will spend the day in their new September classes

Year 8 leavers: 

Year 8 Options evening at Frome College 1st February 5.30 to 7.00

Year 8 CATS tests at Frome College - 4th July 2024.

Admission guides for 2024 can be found on the Somerset County Council website -

Frome College Welcome Evening for parents - 2nd July 2024 4.30 to 8.00 pm.

We are committed to ensuring that our year 8 pupils are fully prepared for their transition to Frome College. To do this, we work alongside the College staff to provide visits and options events that take place, both at the college and at Oakfield. Please check our website calendar for dates relating to year 8 transition events. To view Frome Colleges website click here.