At Oakfield, we recognise that any child may require extra help with schoolwork during their time spent with us.
We have a wonderful team of Teaching Assistants working within the school. Some work exclusively delivering intervention and in monitoring roles, others work directly in the classroom supporting the teacher.
This can include small group work as well as supporting individuals with specific tasks. Most TAs are keyworkers to a handful of students who need that extra regular contact with home.
We are holding half termly SEND Coffee Mornings/afternoon sessions for parents to attend. Following parent feedback we are looking to arrange external visitors to these sessions. Dates for 2024/2025 are to be confirmed.
This will be reviewed and updated regularly by Alison Ingram -Assistant Head Teacher Inclusion and Nathan Webb - Assistant SENDCo . A school SEND report will be published annually on our SEND documents page along with our SEND Policy.
Alison Ingram Assistant Head Teacher Inclusion can be contacted on 01373 462539
Nathan Webb SENDCo can be contacted on 01373 462539.
Tracey Malley Admin support for SEND, Inclusion & Intervention can be contacted on 01373 462539.
Please see our useful links pages for website links to Somerset County Council's SEND Newsletter & Core Offer along with other useful SEND wellbeing tips and websites.
Somerset Local Authority local offer
Frome Town Council
Activity & Community Groups for people with additional needs
Purple Elephant
click here for Somerset Council's SEND Newsletter
Parent Partnership services
The above webpage is designed to help parents/carers to support children who have concerns about going to school, known as Emotional Based School Avoidance.
If your child has concerns over school, then these webpages could help them.
For younger children click here Support for Younger children
For older children and young people click her Support for older children and young people
Counselling Directory for Autism
Parents Wellbeing
Seed Pod after School Club
Free Webinars
Free Parent & Carer Webinars hosted by Somerset's Mental Health Support Team
Somerset Parent Carer Forum
Somerset Parent Carer Forum are offering a wide range of free courses and classes covering many aspects of supporting children and young people with their special educational needs and disabilities. The courses and workshops on offer include:
· Establishing routines and using visuals
· Managing behaviour that challenges
· Helping your child through a transition
· Understanding sensory difficulties
Helping your child manage their anxiety