Academy Council at Oakfield

As an Academy we value the opinion of all our pupils.  To enable us to have an open channel of communication between the pupils and the staff we use Academy council representatives and class council representatives.

Each tutor group has two council representatives who are expected to liaise with their tutor groups and find out what their thoughts are about a wide range of topics within the school.  These pupils meet with their year heads and minutes are taken and sent to Mrs Thomas who compiles an agenda for the Academy Council meeting.

Academy Council comprises of two pupils from each year group who have been elected by their year council team.  They meet with Mrs Thomas and Mr Edwards who is one of our Governors.  Minutes are kept and shared with all staff and governors.

The council have been responsible for a variety of things being done around school (new Y6 play equipment for example) and they are actively involved in selecting one charity for us to support.

School Council meeting notes


Pupils can become Prefects when they enter Year 8.  We have 20 prefects who are used as Ambassadors for the Academy as well as doing duties such as manning the Enrichment Centre in the mornings so that pupils can come in and do their Accelerated Reading tests and greeting parents for our parents evenings. If you visit the Academy they will often be the ones to take you on a tour. They have had to write a letter to their year head to explain what qualities they could bring to the role.

Being a Prefect is a responsible role that involves the pupils more actively in the in the Academy.

Pupil Teaching & Learning Group

This ‘Pupil Teaching and Learning Group’ will look into;

  • Those aspects of learning in the academy that are strong
  • The pupils’ understanding of what we mean by Teaching and Learning
  • What areas of learning need developing?
  • How we could achieve this together?

Developing the pupil’s understanding of how we learn and the actual processes behind it will not only enhance and improve their own abilities; it can also benefit those around them. Pupils will be tasked with taking part in short investigations with myself and other members of staff to make a positive impact on the learning of the academy so that future generations will continue to receive the excellent standard of learning that is already part of the academy ethos.